Thursday, August 27, 2009

Choose Canadian!

So my Dad sent me this video…it’s an ad that has been produced by Hellman’s Canada. It is SHOCKING.

We import 700 pears for every ONE that we export. PEARS PEOPLE! You could practically grow a pear tree in your house in the dead of winter…so why are we importing so many fruits, veggies and meats?  Especially in Southern Ontario.
We have some of the richest farmland in the whole country, and the grocery store wants me to eat peaches from Chile? WTF. The next time your browsing through the grocery isles, REALLY take a moment to see where your food is coming from…I’m willing to bed you’ll be surprised. I have become increasingly frustrated by the lack of local produce that is generally available where I do my grocery shopping. Really annoyed, actually. The good news is, this has motivated me to shop more and more at my local market. It really has become as simple as going through my shopping list, and ticking off the items I know I can get at the market. Cheaper? Not necessarily, which is also aggravating. However, I am happy to pay a few cents more to support my local farmers, and local economy. (The “Mommy Time” I get by myself at the market on Saturday morning is just an added bonus…even if I have to get up “early”.)

Take the time to go through the site and “Take Action Now”. There are great lists of local fruits and veggies that are available in your area seasonally, and even a section to “Get Your Grocer On Board”.

Please pass this site on to as many people as you can…it is SO important to support not just our local farmer’s but our CANADIAN farmer’s.

And, because I am also a Mom, lets support the future farmers, like these…

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